The Maids

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Protect your Home from a Houseful of Germs.

Are you doing everything possible to keep your family safe in your home? Proper cleaning your home is one of the most important steps you can take to prevent the spread of infectious diseases like the flu.  The Maids have always detail-cleaned for health, but with the “new normal” we have stepped up with our new

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Ultimate Healthy Home Deep Cleaning system.

  • Increasing our cleaning protocols by using a commercial disinfectant certified by the EPA to effectively kill pathogens.
  • We use the disinfectant in high touch areas like sinks, countertops, door and cabinet knobs, appliance handles, showers and toilets, light switches and stair rails, and tv remotes, in addition to cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting throughout your home with a multi-surface cleaning disinfectant.
  • HEPA backpack vacuums approved by the American Lung Association are disinfected before entering every home.
  • Fresh set of cleaning tools -microfiber cloths, scrub pads, mops, brushes and tools are provided for each home to prevent cross- contamination.
  • Updating our Personal Protective Equipment and training our cleaning professionals on best practices. For your safety and theirs, they are provided with disposable gloves and shoe covers, masks, and a kit of hand sanitizer, hand soap and bundle of hand towels.


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Our teams’ start times are staggered at the beginning and end of day to avoid contact with other teams. No-one on our staff will report to work if they have any signs of an illness, temperature or cough.  Likewise, we postpone service for any client who has had recent symptoms of the flu, cold, or an unidentified respiratory illness.

The Maids are dedicated to providing you with a worry-free, thorough, healthy home cleaning service.  Call or text The Maids at 336.292.7800 to provide a cleaner, safer, healthy home environment.


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